Teaching Your Teen About Money

Teaching Your Teen About Money

Your teen is becoming more independent, but still needs plenty of advice from you. With more money to spend and more opportunities to spend it, your teen can easily get into financial trouble. So before money burns a hole in your child’s pocket, teach him or her...
Does a President Make a Market?

Does a President Make a Market?

With the election quickly approaching, we have been fielding calls, questions, and opinions on the potential returns of the market depending on who wins the presidential office in November. The main question boils down to: does a President make a market? When...
Recession Returns

Recession Returns

Twelve months ago, the consensus view was that the US economy would tip into a recession in 2023. Some advisors went so far as to suggest that investors swap all their stocks for cash in anticipation of a looming recession. Mostly everyone, including the federal...
Savvy Tax Moves Before 2026

Savvy Tax Moves Before 2026

Since 2017, taxpayers have been enjoying the tax cuts provided by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Now, at the end of 2025 they are due to expire unless extended by Congress. That leaves you about two years to take advantage of the tax cuts and avoid the consequences of not...
Which Type Of Mortgage Is Right For You?

Which Type Of Mortgage Is Right For You?

With mortgage rates at 20-year highs, it has become imperative that home buyers understand the different types of mortgages available to them. And like homes themselves, mortgages come in many shapes and sizes. Whether fixed or adjustable, the type of mortgage that’s...